Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Story of Epically Awkward proportions...

Ok, I have a story...
and it goes like this:

There was once a brown maiden named Linell who sat upon the chair in the RA office. Lo and behold, and before her very eyes, in the Horton Lobby, were a man and a woman, laying quite near each other, actually, they were in what is commonly known as the "sandwich" position...leaving no room for the Holy Spirit at all. (Carissa, I know this is one whole run-on sentence, I'm sorry, this must be causing you so much pain).

Anyway, on with the story, in THIRD person.

Well Linell, stood up, righteously indignant, with what she saw before her. She thought to herself, "with the RA powers vested in me, I shall correct this blatant wrong." With that she left the comforts of the RA office and ventured into the unknown....

She slowly approached the "sandwich" and positioned herself so that she stood directly in front of them. However, as she stood there, she realized that all the glorious admonishments that she had rehearsed inside her mind, had flewn out of her brain, which left her debilitated and speechless. It was that exact moment that the "sandwich" suddenly separated and peered cautiously at the figure who had been staring at them blankly for the past 3 minutes. Linell, realizing that the man and woman were now staring expectantly at her, panicked and did the only she could do: run away and hide.

Which she did.

After a minute or so, Linell, who had run into the safe and homely comforts of the RA office, peeked to see if the couple were still there. They were, but not for long. After exchanging confused looks, they both got up and left.

Needless to say, Linell's goal was accomplished. She rid the lobby of the PDA-mongers, whilst sacrificing most of her dignity. What a servant. What a hero.

1 comment:

c.c. said...

it did cause some pain, i'm not gonna lie. but otherwise, that was a beautiful story from a beautiful girl. thank you, RA linell, wherever you are.