Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Excerpts from the Quote Book...(a.k.a Linell NOT studying when she should be)

(sometimes Kendra and I play a game in which we only speak in alliteration, that day, we chose to try to start each word with the letter "w." That didn't necessarily mean we were actually trying to communicate anything...)

Kendra: Well...we...willl...wallowing...
Kindra: You guys are silly...
Linell: We will...wash you!

moments later...

Linell: we want...woh...toaster!
Kendra: we want warm wheat! (raises the roof)


(jennie walks into the lovingroom in her EMT uniform)

Bethany: ow! ow! I love a woman in uniform!
Jennie: Don't make me restrain you.


Jennie: I'm a part-terrorist (referring to her part-persian self)
Elise: Wait...what do you want to partially terrorize??


Kendra: Guys, I really, really have to do laundry tonight. And i'm probably NOT going to. Do you know what that means for tomorrow??
Katelyn: You're going to be smelly...or naked?


"Do you flick your tooth at me, sir?!"
- Kendra, trying to quote Shakespeare's "do you bite your thumb at me, sir?!"


(insert Linell hopping like a penguin)

Elise: What are you doing?! (doubles over laughing)
Linell: Sometimes my brain tells me to do things. And I say, '"Hey, why not?"

(in the salad line in the Caf)

Kendra: There are no candied beets here!
Erin: I know! That's baloney and we're not even in the sandwich line!


"Ok guys, I just wanna say that I have...3 bananas in my kangaroo pocket..."
-Alicia Preslik


Elise: I need a car from 9:30-2:30
Carissa: like in the afternoon...?
Linell: No Carissa, in the morning....
Carissa: You know what, Linell? something needs to go down.


Linell: oh man, these quotes are funny...
Carissa: how many do i have? I hope I have more than Jennie. I'm funnier than Jennie.

moments later...

Jennie: (to Carissa) I feel animosity between us
Carissa: I'm sorry! I love you.
Jennie: I feel like my ovaries hurt when you look at me.


Katelyn: did you post some quotes up?
Linell: yup...but on facebook.
Katelyn: ...oh.
Linell: did you think I put them up on BUBBS?
Katelyn: yeah.
Carissa: no, no, nothing so Pedestrian....


Elise: it's funny how we know what raptors sound like, they're fossils!
Katelyn: yeah it's like...wondering like...

(Carissa, Jennie, Elise and Linell are discussing suing a certain man for emotional trauma):

Katelyn: It would solve some what I'm going to do for the rest of m life.
Carissa: No, it won't. Remember what Biggie said: "Mo' money, mo' problems."


Linell: You know, Jesus could've given us super powers. But He didn't. Not that I'm bitter...or anything...


Linell: we shot animals today in archery.
Kendra: that's inhumane.
Linell: They had weapons! The wolf had a sword. And we shot a peasant.
Kendra: You shot a person?!?
L: Peasant. PEASANT. Like a bird...
K. You mean PHeasant.
L: oh....... and the caribou had a bomb!


Kendra: I'm a hard sleeper.
Bethany: really?
Kendra: No! i'm a light sleeper. I wake up at the drop of a pin.
Linell: The we'll just drop a bunch of pins...
Kendra: Good. Then I'll wake up and kick you in the teeth.

a little later...

Kendra: Ok it's official. I'm going to bed now. (Looks at Linell). If I wake up in the morning and I'm pinned to my bed, there will be consequences.


Carissa: honestly, if babies were people-sized, the would take over the world with their large heads and amazing upper body strength.


Erin: Denison Witmer says that we should get high on the Holy Spirit! He said that we should take a bong hit of Jesus.
Jennie: That's rather pentecostal of him...


" you know how many of my meals go to the meal-monster in the sky?
...that's where my meals go when they die."
-Kendra, on not using her meal plan.


Linell: (referring to Jennie) The fountain of trivial knowledge shall now speak.


Jennie: whatcha doing with my phone, Kendra?
Kendra: ohhh nothing...just stroking it...caressing it...whispering sweet nothings into its earpiece...


(talking about chapels/graduation)

Kendra: I don't want to leave! They're gonna make me leave!
Jennie: Get a minor! (looks at Katelyn) Not that kind of Minor....


Katelyn: Hey Carissa, are we gonna have a dishwasher in our home?
Carissa: Yeah, her name is Katelyn...


"They should really just call RADs-- 'NADS.' That's really the only thing you have to know, and you'll ace the class."
-Katy Willis


Bethany: (as katy walks in, in demonic voice): Hey, Sexy...
Katy: (responds in demonic voice): Hello, beautiful.
Katelyn: You know, it's all fun and games until someone gets demon-possessed.

Friday, October 12, 2007

questions, questions

1. does anybody read this?

2. is anybody going with katelyn and me this week (thursday - sunday) to see kendrita?

3. how is everybody doing? i really feel the need to ask that to you girls. as they say, life is a team sport.

-inquiring minds want to know.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

making the lovingroom portable

hey y'all (oh wow, did i just say y'all? yes).

so like, who's up for another roadtrip?

or, dareisay, TWO potential roadtrips. for i have two proposals for thee:

1. san diego: sand. sun. sea scrolls. dead sea scrolls, that is. does anybody want to see them? i have to for class, but i kinda want to anyway. tickets are... not very expensive (i know they're $20 or less). and san diego is fun fun fun! we just have to plan ahead of time. uh yeah if anybody's interested, the ten commandments will be there after october! oooooooohh.

2. MORE IMPORTANTLY, northern california: i would just LOVE to take a nor cal trip sometime, especially to see our little kendrita, whom we have so long been without. i was kinda thinking maybe the weekend of torrey (like friday - sunday)? or........ something else. maybe even interterm.

what thinketh thou, fair maidens?

aight, i'm out like a porch light in the ghetto.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Story of Epically Awkward proportions...

Ok, I have a story...
and it goes like this:

There was once a brown maiden named Linell who sat upon the chair in the RA office. Lo and behold, and before her very eyes, in the Horton Lobby, were a man and a woman, laying quite near each other, actually, they were in what is commonly known as the "sandwich" position...leaving no room for the Holy Spirit at all. (Carissa, I know this is one whole run-on sentence, I'm sorry, this must be causing you so much pain).

Anyway, on with the story, in THIRD person.

Well Linell, stood up, righteously indignant, with what she saw before her. She thought to herself, "with the RA powers vested in me, I shall correct this blatant wrong." With that she left the comforts of the RA office and ventured into the unknown....

She slowly approached the "sandwich" and positioned herself so that she stood directly in front of them. However, as she stood there, she realized that all the glorious admonishments that she had rehearsed inside her mind, had flewn out of her brain, which left her debilitated and speechless. It was that exact moment that the "sandwich" suddenly separated and peered cautiously at the figure who had been staring at them blankly for the past 3 minutes. Linell, realizing that the man and woman were now staring expectantly at her, panicked and did the only she could do: run away and hide.

Which she did.

After a minute or so, Linell, who had run into the safe and homely comforts of the RA office, peeked to see if the couple were still there. They were, but not for long. After exchanging confused looks, they both got up and left.

Needless to say, Linell's goal was accomplished. She rid the lobby of the PDA-mongers, whilst sacrificing most of her dignity. What a servant. What a hero.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Carissa came to visit. And y'all should too. That's right. Y'all. I'm NorCal now. Hella. Maybe during Torrey? That would be fantastic. I can't believe school is starting in a little over a week. Without me. It's so weird. It's still surreal. I don't want to grow up. I still want to have dance parties in the lobby. I still want to be jolted awake by the blaring fire alarm every time some special person burns their popcorn. Okay, maybe I don't really want that. But you should bring the rest of the goodness to me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


post more fools.

i guess i mean post more, comma, fools... but either way.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

More mushy gushy stuff about how BASE is great and blah blah blah...

Ok, Kendra... I had totally forgotten about smunk, but now that you've reminded me, I'm going to deliberately find ways to incorporate that amazing word (and it's context) into my everyday vocabulary. Starting now...

hey girls, I feel all smunky. You know why? Well, today, I received the list of the people who are going to live on BASE this year. Don't get me wrong, I am very, very excited, but my excitement was suddenly replaced with anxiety, fear, nostalgia and finally, hunger. So then I ate a fried banana with some honey (smelled smunky good) that my mom conjured up, as if sensing that her offspring was in need of sustenance.

anyways, where was i? oh yeah... the realization that I am going to be the RA...not Erin. And I realized how weird that is. I'm sure that the new girls of BASE will be great, but really, the comraderie (Carissa help, I can't spell) that we had last year is irreplaceable. I know deep down that I cannot recreate something that came so naturally.

Ultimately all this anxiety is pointing in one direction: up. Once again I'm reminded that I certainly cannot depend on myself, but I have to depend and fully rely on God, otherwise, I am going to lose it. I am so nervous and sad and happy and excited. If it wasn't for the LORD and for prayer, I would be torn apart by all these emotions that I'm feeling. My mind is reeling from the profusion of emotional stimuli.

Anyway, a BASE reunion is due...and soon.

Also, can someone get somebody to post our beloved quotebook?


oh yay, more posting!

'so anyway'... the other day i wanted to share this article with somebody and i thought of our floor folder. i may as well do it here. so there was this article in the LA Times on saturday, written by the former religion reporter. it's pretty sad - sad for him, because he missed the point; and sad for christians everywhere, because so many who claim to be christians aren't very much like Christ at all. and now this guy is pretty lost. so yeah, you should read it. it's interesting.

hey, are any of you going to elise's soiree on august 4? i'd like to go, but i don't think i'll have a car, so... does anybody want to carpool?

the other day i caught myself pushing up my glasses when i wasn't wearing any again. :[ and then the next day my glasses broke. :[ :[ :[ i thought i'd share.


Sunday, July 22, 2007


I just realized I've been missing out on a lot of Bubbs goodness. Oh man. Sad story. It really makes me laugh that Webby still reads the folder. I also just realized ( for about the hundredth time) how much I'm going to miss Base. We had such a great community. I'm so thankful for the way that the Lord put us together. I think it was amazing how much we all loved each other and encouraged each other. I don't want to be done with Biola. Nooo! I gotta get me a minor. Haha. Sorry I'm not the best being away friend. I have good intentions, but rarely do I follow through with them. So know that I'm thinking about and praying for you all and still love you from the bottom of my foot.

I like the LovingRoom name. Or maybe we should just call it the PrayerRoom.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


yessss. i'm in. hopefully we can get something substantial up on this thang.

Monday, July 16, 2007

okay, it's here.

the BASE lovingroom is online, i guess. now...

where is the quote book? somebody has to start posting that thing up.

also, linell, if you still think "thelovingroom" is too weird of a subdomain, we can change it... but personally i enjoy the vagueness of it all.